Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Before and After...Oooh Aww!



I have had a couple of before and after shots requests. Here is a small project that I did this past weekend. Not rocket science but there is decent change. This project only took a couple of hours and two shopping trips to complete. When starting from scratch remember to always get a little more than you think is the correct amount for the bookcase. It seems that unless you have an exact plan you will always come up a little short and you can return what you don't use. Who knows you may like the extras so much that you use them in another location of your home. The items we used came from a variety of places. Don't forget to leave no stone unturned. Who knows you may find the perfect thing at the an unexpected location.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Goodbye Lane!

Hello Everyone,

As some of you may know today is my last day with Lane Home Furnishings. They are closing the office here in Atlanta. But no worries I am going to start working with the Head of Visual Merchandising for Macy's in the next couple of weeks. I will also be working with some of my former dealers as well as doing some contract work for Lane. This will also give me more time to focus on my residential clients as well. Yes I am sad to see my steady 9 to 5 go but excited for what the future holds. I have had many great experiences and met so many new people working with Lane. I have also made a bunch of great friends as well. Wish me luck and if anyone out there needs a good designer just let me know...I will travel!
Also the main place I check my e-mail and MySpace is at work so you may see fewer logins for me but never fear I will be back! I hope everyone has a great weekend and chat with you all soon!



Below are just few pictures from my many trips with Lane if you don't see your pic. I had already cleaned out my pc of any evidence I existed at Lane.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Vegas Bound!

I am heading to Vegas tomorrow morning and will return on Sunday the 27th. This is a bittersweet trip for me because it will be my last trip working for Lane Home Furnishings. Our office will be closing as of February the 1st so I will be temporarily unemployed. I do have several things in the works so I will be fine. I will just miss working some people although most of my favorites jumped ship or had to walk the plank sometime ago. So, have a great weekend and week and if you are lucky I will do a post from Sin City.

Hilarious...Meet Bon Qui Qui

I saw this video on you tube and felt the need to share it. I you have a couple of minutes check it out. I felt like I had been to an ab class after. Not that I would really know how that feels. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Temporary Tattoo....You Like?

As a lot of you know I lost one of my best friends in November and I have been thinking about getting a tattoo as a constant reminder of our friendship. Meredith chose to get a tattoo on the year anniversary of her cancer diagnosis. At the time she wanted several of us to get one with her but there was not enough appointments on that particular day so she was the only one to get inked. I have been racking my brain as to what I would get tattooed and where since her passing. So last night I came up with this design it is a fusing of her initials"MHJ" and I am looking at having it placed on my left wrist. I channeled my inner high schooler and did a sample run on my wrist. This way I will be able to see it whenever I want to but ti could be easily covered up by a watch band or long sleeves. What do you think? I am not sure when I will get it but hopefully soon.

Jack of all trades!

Here is a charcoal drawing that I did for my Mom's former employer as a "Thank you!" for free eye glasses. I am a little rusty from my days at UGA but overall I think it turned out okay. In the bottom right is the picture I used as my reference. Let me know what you think. And if anyone out there is in need of a portrait artist and can't find a good one then I am available.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

It's all about the packaging!

Well we have survived yet another Christmas. Like most people I enjoy the Holidays but feel they seem to be lacking when they are all said and done. One reason for this is I feel is that we don't take time out of our busy schedules to pay attention to the things that can make a difference. Here are some things to think about for next Christmas.
For anyone that knows me they know gift wrapping is a big deal for me. I am anti gift bag! For those of you that choose to use the gift bag that is fine but think back to your childhood the days before the gift bag. Don't you remember the thrill you had as a child tearing into that paper and breaking the four pieces of tape your Mom put to kid proof the gift. Even if it wasn't the exact He-Man action figure or Barbie you wanted there was still the trill of the unknown. Gift bags just don't have the same reaction. Yes, I know gift bags are easy and I am not saying that I have never used them but show your friends and family some love. If you wrap a $5 gift like a $100 gift it will be noticed.
Here are a few tips to consider when you begin think about next Christmas. I personally like to coordinate my gift wrapping so it matches my Christmas tree's decorations. Yes I know this sounds insane but it looks good. Plus for those of you who are parents it makes a perfect back drop for that Christmas card picture. Always, always, always use boxes! They are so much easier to wrap and they don't make it look like your gift was a last minute decision. Stick-on bows are a no no! If you are going to use ribbon buy wired ribbon. This can be purchased anywhere. It is a little more expensive but you can buy it in bulk. If you don't know how to tie a fancy bow don't worry with wired can make the simplest bows look great. Ribbon isn't the only solution, try raffia and small decorative ornaments even candy canes. Use you imagination!
This year I didn't put up a tree so for the first time in a while I was free to wrap however it saw fit. So I got my inspiration from one of the most recognizable wrapping jobs out there, Tiffany's!

So, I canvassed the Atlanta area for gift wrap that was Tiffany's-ish. I will admit that it wasn't the easiest color combination but I think it was worth the little extra effort in the end. What do you think?

I know this is a lot to chew but try it next year and see what reaction you get from your friends and family. I guarantee that it will be worth the little bit of extra effort you put in. Remember I am not know for my wrapping because I cram everything down in a gift bag! And if a gift bag is absolutely necessary PLEASE use matching tissue that is NEW.

I'm Back!

After a brief absence from the blog scene I am back. I will do my best to say up on my weekly blogging. I hope that everyone had a safe and happy holiday season. This was a very strange holiday season for myself but I made it through. There have been tons of things going on since we last talked. One is the pregnancy of Jamie Lynne Spears. I so did have hope for that one but life doesn't always turn out the way it should does it. Here is a peek into the future for young Ms. Spears.....

And it's not that pretty! What's the saying, "you can take the girl out of the trailer but you can't take the trailer out of the girl!" Hopefully her Nickelodeon show was paying her the big bucks.