Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Someone needs to hit her one more time!

Let me be the first one to say I am a Britney Spears fan but on that note my affection to her has changed significantly in the past few years. I have even been trying to be supportive in these past few months. This is something she is not making this easy on me. Her recent activity has started to put my own sanity in question. I have had many heated debates with various friends on the topic of Brit Brit and, generally I am the one coming to her defense. Now, I will say that my feelings have gone from seeing her as an object of lust to an object of pity. Her recent bout with shoplifting is just insane to me. I think she is asking someone to challenger her. She has definitely gotten too big for her britches. This might explain why she chooses not to wear them anymore. Shoplifting a lighter that cost fewer than two bucks, in front of the paparazzi none the less has Britney totally lost it? She is going to need some major tough love. I do hope she gets her act together. I miss those snake handling days and I'm not talking about her time growing up in Louisiana.

1 comment:

laura said...

glad you are in the blogging world now! i would agree, britney needs to get her act together.